When syncing data from eSD, Districts can choose between using the Custom eSD Endpoints or using the Standard eSD Endpoints. This article outlines the differences between the two options. If you have any questions, please contact your Implementation Manager or the Operoo Support Team.
What does ‘using Custom eSD Endpoints’ mean?
When a district chooses to use Custom eSD Endpoints that means they would like Pre-Enrolled students to sync from eSchoolData (eSD) to Operoo without the need to 1) accept the student, and 2) add the student to a holding building* in eSD.
For districts who choose to use the Custom eSD Endpoints, below is the high level workflow for Pre-Enrolled students:
The parent or guardian applies to send their child to the district online via eSD
The student is automatically listed in eSD as a new application, and the district does not accept their application
On the next successful sync in Operoo, the student will sync from eSD to Operoo with a temporary ID, e.g. student-operoo-1009
Once synced, the student will be in Operoo as a member of the synced Groups “All District Pre-Enrolled Students” and “All District Students”.
*A holding building is a building created in eSD for Pre-Enrolled students to sit in that is used when districts have Custom eSD Endpoints set to ‘No’.
Below is a screenshot of a district who is using the Custom eSD Endpoints.
Operoo Criteria for syncing students using the Custom eSD Endpoints
There are two sets of criteria when syncing students from eSD:
The specific eSD Endpoints below must be enabled:
- /v1/operoo/students
- /v1/operoo/contacts
The criteria below must be met:
- “enrolledId” = null
“studentStatus” = “Pre-enrolled”
The student will be synced based on these criteria's, and it does not matter if a student has been added to a building or not (there may be certain circumstances where a student has been added to a building when the application in eSD is submitted).
Syncing individual buildings to Operoo (not Pre-Registered Students)
If districts would also like to sync students from individual buildings to Operoo, e.g. students from a middle or high school, an Administrator needs to go into their Integration Settings in Operoo and select those schools under ‘Select schools to sync’. When completing this step, districts can label those students in Operoo as either “Enrolled” or “Pre-Enrolled”.
Below is the criteria of syncing "Enrolled" students attached to a building in eSD.
Below is the criteria of syncing "Pre-Enrolled" students attached to a building in eSD.
The selection can be both “Enrolled” and “Pre-Enrolled” when using the Custom eSD Endpoints, however as Pre-Enrolled students will sync via the Custom eSD Endpoints, we recommend districts mainly choose to sync “Enrolled” students when selecting a individual building.
To select individual buildings to sync from eSD to Operoo, please follow these steps:
1. Click "Settings", followed by "Integration Settings"
3. Click "Select schools to sync"
4. Search for the building under "Search for schools to select..."
5. Select either "Enrolled" and/or "Pre-Enrolled", followed by "Save", and finally, confirm the updated selection is correct.
Although the selection can be both “Enrolled” and “Pre-Enrolled” when using the Custom eSD Endpoints, as Pre-Enrolled students will sync via the Custom eSD Endpoints, best practice is for districts to choose to sync “Enrolled” students when selecting a building.
Enrolled students sync to Operoo as a member of the following synced Groups:
“All District Enrolled Students” and “All District Students” at the District Level, as well as
“All Enrolled Students” and “All Students” at the building level (e.g. District Middle School)
Pre-Enrolled students sync to Operoo as a member of the following synced Groups:
“All District Pre-Enrolled Students” and “All District Students” at the District Level, as well as
“All Pre-Enrolled Students” and “All Students” at the building level (e.g. Document School)
Syncing Pre-Registered Students
When Custom eSD Endpoints are set to “Yes”, Pre-Registered students will not automatically sync to Operoo from eSD. If a district would like Pre-Registered students to sync to Operoo, the district needs to go into their integration settings and select "Future" for the applicable schools.
Below is the criteria of syncing "Pre-Registered" students attached to a building in eSD.
Future Students is an Operoo term, in eSD the term is “Pre-Registered”
To select "Future/Pre-Registered" students from individual buildings to sync from eSD to Operoo, please follow these steps:
1. Click "Settings", followed by "Integration Settings"
3. Click "Select schools to sync"
4. Search for the building under "Search for schools to select..."
5. Select "Future" to sync those students from Operoo to eSD, followed by "Save", and finally, confirm the updated selection is correct.
Future/Pre-Registered students will always be members of building, as well as have a Enrollment Date in eSD.
Future/Pre-Registered students sync to Operoo as a member of the synced Groups below:
“All District Future Students” and “All District Students” at the District Level, as well as
- “All Future Students” and “All Students” at the building level (e.g. District Middle School)
Any eForms where the membership is linked to the Groups "All District Students" and "All Students" will include Pre-Registered students. We recommend existing eForm membership is reviewed prior to syncing in Pre-Registered students to ensure the member selection is accurate.
Any messages sent to the Groups "All District Students" and "All Students" will include Pre-Registered Students
Other information
If a building has been selected and there are 3 white crosses, Operoo will remove students and the building on the next sync. By not selected any of these options that is telling Operoo that no students from that building should sync to Operoo from eSD.
If you are actively using students in a specific building, do not un-select all options under ‘Select schools to Sync’. This will result in the buildings being deleted.
What does ‘not using Custom eSD Endpoints’ mean?
When a district chooses to not use Custom eSD Endpoints that means they would like Pre-Enrolled students to sync from eSchoolData (eSD) to Operoo only once they have accepted the student, and added the student to a holding building* in eSD (e.g. Document School).
For districts who choose to not use the Custom eSD Endpoints, below is the high level workflow for Pre-Enrolled students:
The parent or guardian applies to send their child to the district online via eSD
The district opens the new application, accepts it and adds the student to a holding building
On the next successful Operoo sync, that student will sync from eSD to Operoo with their eSD ID, e.g. 99992226
The district ensures that building is selected in their integration settings in Operoo (see section “Sync Pre-Enrolled students from a holding building” below)
*A holding building is a building created in eSD for Pre-Enrolled students to sit in that is only used when districts have Custom eSD Endpoints set to ‘No’.
If the building is not selected in the district's integration settings, the students will not sync to Operoo
Below is a screenshot of a district who is not using the Custom eSD Endpoints.
Below is the criteria of syncing "Pre-Enrolled" students attached to a building in eSD.
To select individual holding buildings to sync from eSD to Operoo, please follow these steps:
1. Click "Settings", followed by "Integration Settings"
3. Click "Select schools to sync"
4. Search for the holding building under "Search for schools to select..."
5. Select "Pre-Enrolled", followed by "Save", and finally, confirm the updated selection is correct.
Students sync to Operoo as a member of the following synced Groups:
“All District Pre-Enrolled Students” and “All District Students” at the District Level, as well as
“All Pre-Enrolled Students” and “All Students” at the holding building (e.g. Document School)
Syncing additional buildings to Operoo (Enrolled, Pre-Enrolled or Future Students)
If the district would also like to sync other students from individual buildings to Operoo, e.g. students from a middle or high school, or pre-registered students, the district needs to go into their integration settings and select those schools under "Select schools to sync". When completing this step, districts can choose to sync either “Enrolled” or “Pre-enrolled”, as well as “Future Students” into Operoo.
"Future" students is an Operoo term, in eSD the term is “Pre-Registered”
Below is the criteria of syncing "Future/Pre-Registered" students attached to a building in eSD.
Below is the criteria of syncing "Enrolled" students attached to a building in eSD.
To select additional buildings to sync from eSD to Operoo, please follow these steps:
1. Click "Settings", followed by "Integration Settings"
3. Click "Select schools to sync"
4. Search for the holding building under "Search for schools to select..."
5. Select "Enrolled" or "Pre-Enrolled", and "Future" (if applicable) , followed by "Save", and finally, confirm the updated selection is correct.
The selection must be either “Enrolled” or “Pre-Enrolled”, both options cannot be selected. However, districts can choose to sync “Enrolled” or “Pre-Enrolled” and “Future" students
Future/Pre-Registered students will always be members of building, as well as have an Enrollment Date in eSD.
Pre-Registered students sync to Operoo as a member of the following synced Groups:
“All District Future Students” and “All District Students” at the District Level, as well as
“All Future Students” and “All Students” at the building level (e.g. District Middle School)
Enrolled students sync to Operoo as a member of the following synced Groups:
“All District Enrolled Students” and “All District Students” at the District Level, as well as
“All Enrolled Students” and “All Students” at the building level (e.g. District Middle School)
Any eForms where the membership is linked to the Groups "All District Students" and "All Students" will include Pre-Registered students. We recommend existing eForm membership is reviewed prior to syncing in Pre-Registered students to ensure the member selection is accurate.
Any messages sent to the Groups "All District Students" and "All Students" will include Pre-Registered Students
Other information
If a building has been selected and there are 3 white crosses, Operoo will remove students and the building on the next sync. By not selected any of these options that is telling Operoo that no students from that building should sync to Operoo from eSD.
If you are actively using students in a specific building, do not un-select all options under ‘Select schools to Sync’. This will result in the buildings being deleted.
Related articles:
- eSD with Custom Endpoints
- Not using Custom eSD Endpoints
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