To import a group or modify an existing group, please follow these steps:
1. Prepare a CSV file which contains the following columns:
group_name - this is the field that will be used to match or create Groups records.
member_ids - comma-separated list of imported student ids
staff_ids - comma-separated list of imported staff ids (OPTIONAL)

To create a multi-level group, you can insert the name of the group after '/'.
When the name is empty in a row it means the top-level staff assignments.
For example, you can enter 'Year 9/Class A' under the group_name column and it would create a top-level 'Year 9' group with a subgroup 'Class A'.
3. At the lower left part of the Administrator home page, please go to the "
" section and click
4. Choose Import Groups (or modify existing).
5. In the Imports Group window, click on Select File to choose the CSV file that you have prepared.
6. Click on Preview changes before importing and then hit Download Changes Preview to download the notepad showing if the data will be imported properly or not.
7. Once you are ready to import the data, click on the Import new data button and then hit Import.
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