For Community and Group Editions
Administrators can delete the groups if it's no longer needed in the organization's Operoo account. Here are the steps on how to delete a group.
Important Notes:
Deleting a Group requires the group to be emptied.
This only applies if the group's profile selection is Drag and Drop.
1.Click the Group Name.

2. Next, open the Actions drop-down menu and select Select displayed Members/Students

3. As you can see below, all the profiles have now changed to a dark green which represents that they are selected. Reopen the Actions bar and select Remove Selected Members/Students from this group.

Note: This will only remove the profiles from this Group. It will not delete them.
4. Hover your mouse over the group icon and click the menu icon. Choose Manage this group.

6. Select Delete Group and a pop-up window will appear. Click OK.

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