SchoolBox Administrators can add links to Operoo within SchoolBox using the:
- Side Menu (in SchoolBox)
- Tiles (in SchoolBox)
We recommend you add both options.
Part 1. Add Operoo to your SchoolBox Side Menu for Parents
a) Sign into SchoolBox as an Administrator
b) On the side navigation, expand the User and click Administration.
c) Select Side Menu settings.
d) Under MENU ITEMS, click "+" to add a new MENU ITEM.
e) Create a Menu Item for Operoo
Title = Operoo
Destination =
Destination Target = New Window
- Select Visible Campus
- Select Visible Roles (Parents, Staff, etc)
f) You can change the order of the new Operoo Menu Item using drag-and-drop.
CONGRATULATIONS! A link to Operoo will now appear on your SchoolBox side menu.
Part 2: Add Operoo as a SchoolBox Tile
a) Within Admin Settings, click Dashboard
b) Choose the Role you want the Operoo Tile to appear for. This will usually be the Parent, however, we also recommend you give Teachers and other Staff access to the Operoo Tile too. Just remember, you will need to complete the following steps for each role.
c) Further down the page, click Tiles settings (cog button) to expand the Tile options.
d) Under Tiles, click Modify Layout
e) To add a Operoo Tile, click "+ Add Tile"
f) Give the Tile the title Operoo
- Can configure the Title colours, background and position. We recommend the settings below, or whatever is consistent with your other tiles.
g) Add in the Operoo Sign In URL
Select Opens in New tab/window
h) Add the Operoo Logo
Again, we recommend you use the settings below or keep with the same settings used on other tiles.
The picture to use on this tile can be collected from here. Alternatively, you can save the image below.
i) Click Save to save the file.
j) You can now see a preview of the Tile. Click Save.
You can re-order the tiles at this stage.
The steps above saved the tile for only 1 role (e.g. Parents). Repeat this step for each role you wish the Tile to appear (e.g. Teachers, Administrators, etc).
Students should not have direct access to Operoo unless they are legal adults.
You have now added links to Operoo within SchoolBox. If you sign-in to SchoolBox as a different User (e.g. a Parent), you will now see the options.
If the SchoolBox user clicks these links, they will be taken to a new window to Sign In to Operoo.
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