SMS Key Points
- Operoo allows the administrators to easily send SMS messages (text messages) in a number of ways.
- SMS messages are charged at 0.07 cents each (including GST) for Australia.
- SMS messages are charged at $0.01 USD for America.
- SMS messages are charged at £0.03 for the United Kingdom.
- and can be purchased from the Settings page. Please see this article for more details.
There are four different ways to send SMS messages (text messages).
1. Sending via an eForm
From the main administration screen, click the three horizontal lines (tribar) of an eForm you want to send the message to.

Then click Send SMS Message under Message eForm Members section.

2. Sending to a group
From the main administration screen, hover your mouse over the group icon and click the menu icon. Choose View/Edit Group Details.
Then click Send SMS Message under Message Group section.

3. Sending to a profile
You can send an SMS message to an individual parent by clicking on the three horizontal lines (tribar) icon on a profile, then selecting Send SMS Message under the carer's details

4. Sending to selected profiles only
If you need to send an SMS message to just a few Care Profiles only Care Profile Owners (i.e., parents, adult club members, adult participants, employees, etc.) who, for example, have not replied to an eForm or Profile Request you can select those profiles and choose SMS Message Selected Profiles from the Action menu at the top of the screen. Or, you can just select from the list of profiles like the example below:

Using any of the three ways to send an SMS:
- choose if you'd also like to send the message to secondary contact
- type your SMS message in the Content box
- and click Preview.
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