This article describes the Synergetic database objects access requirements for running the Operoo agent which performs One-Way or Two-Way synchronisation.
SQL scripts configuring these permissions are generated by the set-up process as described in the article Setting up Operoo -Synergetic integration
One-Way Syncronisation
One-Way synchronisation required read (Select) access on the following tables ( the list of columns is provided when the access to the table is restricted to these columns)
- SynDatabases(VersionNumber Code )
- FileSemesters(FileYear FileSemester SystemCurrentFlag )
- Consent(ID ConsentCode ActiveFlag ConsentGivenBy ConsentGivenDate )
- MedicalImmunisation(ID ImmunisationCode AdministeredDate ActiveFlag )
- Ability(ID AbilityTypeCode )
- MedicalCondition
- MedicalDetails
- MedicalAdditionalAsthmaDetails(ID MedicalConditionSeq AsthmaTriggers AsthmaAction )
- MedicalAllergy(ID MedicalAllergySeq )
- MedicalConditionAllergy(MedicalAllergySeq MedicalConditionSeq )
- Medication(ID MedicationSeq MedicationTypeCode MedicationDetails ActiveFlag Medication MedicationExpiryDate)
- MedicalEquipment(ID MedicalEquipmentTypeCode MedicalConditionSeq MedicalEquipmentFlag )
- MedicalSymptom(ID MedicalConditionSeq )
- MedicalRisk(ID MedicalConditionSeq )
- MedicalConditionMedication(MedicationSeq MedicalConditionSeq )
- MedicalPlanMedication(MedicationSeq MedicalPlanSeq)
- MedicalPlan(MedicalPlanSeq )
- luRelationship(Code Description )
- luAsthmaCategory(Code Description )
- luMedicalImmunisationType(Code Description ActiveFlag SortOrder )
- luAbilityType(Code Description AbilityType SortOrder )
- luMedicalConditionType(Code Description ActiveFlag SortOrder )
- luConsentType(Code Description ActiveFlag )
- Students
- luHouse(Description Campus Code ActiveFlag )
- StudentYears(ID Status FileYear House Tutor Form YearLevel )
- Timetable(ClassCode StaffID FileYear FileSemester )
- luStudentStatus(Code SynergyMeaning )
- Staff(ID ActiveFlag )
- SubjectClasses(Description SubjectClassesSeq )
- StudentClasses(ID ClassCode StopDate SubjectClassesSeq FileYear FileSemester)
- StudentContacts(ID ContactType LinkedID LinkedIDSeq PrimaryOnlyFlag ParentFlag LivesWithFlag )
- Community(ID Given1 Given2 Surname Preferred MobilePhone Email OccupEmail CommunityModifiedDate SpouseID MobilePhoneActual Gender WorkWithChildrenCheckVerifiedDate )
- StudentSemester(ID StudentCampus FileYear FileSemester Status Boarder House Form Tutor)
Two-Way Synchronisation
All the read access listed on the One-Way and additionally the following
Insert Access
- Consent
- MedicalImmunisation
- Ability
- MedicalAdditionalAsthmaDetails
- MedicalAllergy
- MedicalConditionAllergy
- MedicalCondition
- Medication
- MedicalConditionMedication
- MedicalEquipment
- luMedicalImmunisationType
- luAbilityType
- luMedicalConditionType
- luConsentType
Update Access
Update access on the following tables and the list of columns which can be updated is provided in brackets
- MedicalDetails(BloodGroup AmbulanceFlag AmbulanceNo PrivateInsuranceFlag PrivateInsuranceNo MedicareNo MedicareLineNo MedicareExpiryDate )
- MedicalImmunisation(ID ImmunisationCode AdministeredDate ActiveFlag )
- MedicalAdditionalAsthmaDetails(AsthmaTriggers AsthmaAction )
- MedicalAllergy(MedicalAllergyTypeCode SeverityCode AllergyTreatment ActiveFlag AllergyDescription )
- MedicalCondition(ConditionDetails SeverityCode EmergencyTreatmentDetails )
- Medication(MedicationDetails ActiveFlag MedicationExpiryDate )
- MedicalEquipment(MedicalConditionSeq MedicalEquipmentFlag )
- Students(ID EmergencyName EmergencyAddress EmergencyPhone EmergencyPhoneAlt EmergencyRelat MedicalAlert Emergency2Name Emergency2Address Emergency2Phone Emergency2PhoneAlt Emergency2Relat Emergency3Name Emergency3Address Emergency3Phone Emergency3PhoneAlt Emergency3Relat DoctorName DoctorPhone DoctorPhoneAlt DoctorAddress Doctor2Name Doctor2Phone Doctor2PhoneAlt Doctor2Address DentistName DentistPhone DentistPhoneAlt DentistAddress CreatedDate CreatedBy ModifiedBy ModifiedDate )
Delete Access
- Consent
- MedicalImmunisation
- Ability
- Medication
- MedicalRisk
- MedicalCondition
- MedicalEquipment
- MedicalSymptom
- MedicalAllergy
- MedicalPlanMedication
- MedicalPlan
- MedicalConditionMedication
- MedicalConditionAllergy
- MedicalAdditionalAsthmaDetails
Photographs table access
In Synergetic version 67 the photos are stored in a separated Schema "SynergyOneMedia". Within this schema, the integration requires read (Select) access to the table:
- Photos (ModifiedDate, Thumbnail)
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