- Manual Synchronisation: ad-hoc and manual importing of spreadsheets into Operoo.
- One-Way Synchronisation: Information from Synergetic is automatically copied to Operoo, this includes all students, their parents' contact details, staff and all student and staff photos.
- Two-Way Synchronisation: This mode includes the One-way integration but also includes automatic copying of student medical details from Operoo into your Synergetic database.
Note: One-way or Two-way synchronisation is available in Premium Edition subscriptions and works with versions 65, 66, 66R2, 67, 68 and 69 of Synergetic.
This article describes how this integration works and covers the following topics;
1. Manual Synchronisation
2. Operoo-Synergetic One-Way synchronisation
3. Select/Manage what gets Synchronised
- Managing Students
- Importing Photographs
- Managing Groups (Classes and Year Levels)
- Staff Details
4. How can an administrator see what is being synchronised
5. Operoo-Synergetic Two-Way synchronisation
- Medical Data
6. Database access for Synergetic synchronisation
7. Setting up Operoo-Synergetic Integration
8. Customer Support
1. Manual Synchronisation
For detailed information about Manual Synchronisation please refer to the following article,
2. Operoo-Synergetic One-Way synchronisation
The Operoo-Synergetic one-way synchronisation automatically transfers details from a Synergetic database into Operoo.
When One-Way synchronisation is enabled, the Synergetic data is accessed in read-only mode. This means Operoo processes will not update or write to the Synergetic database.
Operoo provides the school with an agent application which needs to be installed within the School’s intranet. This Agent application is then configured with a Synergetic database user with specific access permissions (read-only) to the data relevant to Operoo.
The agent runs as a scheduled task and periodically:
- Collects data from Synergetic
- Maps this data into Operoo fields
- Transfers the mapped data into Operoo
With the One-Way synchronisation staff, students, student contacts and Groups (classes and/or Year levels) can be automatically created, updated or archived in Operoo.
Once the data is sent to Operoo it is placed into a staging (temporary) area.
At this point, Administrators have the option to select from the staging area what information should be automatically synchronised into Operoo.
Once confirmed, Operoo will run an internal data synchronisation process which copies the selected information from the staging area into Operoo.
This staging area will always display the latest data received from Synergetic.
3. Manage what gets Synchronised
Managing Students
Administrators have the option to select which students from the Operoo staging area are to be continually synchronised into Operoo. The following article will guide you through this process,
Screenshot: Students imported from Synergetic
Importing Photographs
The Operoo Synergetic one-way synchronisation automatically collects school photographs from Synergetic and sends them to Operoo.
Managing Groups (Classes and Year Levels)
The Operoo Synergetic one-way synchronisation automatically collects groups from Synergetic and sends them to Operoo.
Administrators have the option to select which Groups from the Operoo staging area are to be continually synchronised into Operoo. The following article will guide you through this process,
Screenshot: Groups imported directly from Synergetic
Staff Details
The Operoo Synergetic one-way synchronisation automatically collects staff details from Synergetic and sends them to Operoo. The staff assignments are automatically created in Operoo as defined in Synergetic.
Administrators have the option to select which staff members from the Operoo staging area are to be continually synchronised into Operoo.
The following articles will guide you through this process,
Screen shot: Staff imported directly from Synergetic
Important note: Any staff assignments manually created in Operoo will be overwritten with Synergetic assignments next time the Synchronisation process executes.
4. How can an administrator see what is being synchronised
In the image below, students, groups (classes) and staff carers with the ‘cloud icon' have been synchronised from Synergetic and appear in Operoo automatically.
Administrators can still create custom groups, student and staff profile requests manually and have them live alongside the synchronised items.
5. Operoo-Synergetic Two-Way synchronisation
In addition to all the features above, provided by the One-way integration, Operoo Synergetic Two-Way synchronisation will also automatically copy student medical details from Operoo into your Synergetic database.
When Two-way synchronisation is enabled, the Synergetic data is accessed in read/write mode. This means Operoo processes will update or write to the Synergetic database.
Similar to One-way integration, Operoo provides the school with an agent application which needs to be installed within the School’s intranet. This Agent application is then configured with a Synergetic database user with specific access permissions (read/write) to the data relevant to Operoo.
The agent runs as a scheduled task and periodically:
- Collects data from Synergetic
- Maps this data into Operoo fields
- Transfers the mapped data into Operoo
The agent:
1 + 2 - Pulls data from Operoo
3 + 4 - Maps the data to Synergetic
5 - Writes data to Synergetic
Medical Data
The Operoo Synergetic Two-Way synchronisation automatically places medical data into the Synergetic database.
The Operoo Synergetic Two-Way synchronisation reads, inserts, updates and removes data from the Synergetic database. It replaces some of the Synergetic existing data with the data maintained in Operoo.
Operoo ensures minimal impact on Synergetic’s database as it is configured to only modify specific tables and columns.
This process is compatible with most versions of Synergetic, but if an incompatibility is found the process recognises the problem and prevents data modifications.
Note: Once activated the Operoo two-way integration will always overwrite existing medical information with the information supplied by parents to Operoo.
6. Database access for Synergetic synchronisation
The Operoo Agent requires access to the following Synergetic objects to perform One-way or Two-way synchronisation,
Note: SQL scripts configuring the db permissions will be generated during the set-up process as described in section 7 of this article.
7. Setting up Operoo-Synergetic Integration
To setup the Operoo-Synergetic Integration, please refer to the following article,
8. Customer Support
The Operoo integration to Synergetic is supported directly by Operoo. Operoo is responsible for all support of the integration through the normal support channels.
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