For Community and Group Editions
Operoo has rules to automatically formats people's names into proper case.
Joe SMITH becomes Joe Smith.
Names starting with "Mc", "Mac" are also formatted automatically. The next letter following "Mc" or "Mac" will always be capitalized.
mcdonald becomes McDonald
maccarthy becomes MacCarthy
The first letter following an apostrophe is always capitalized.
- o'brien becomes O'Brien
- o'neill becomes O'Neill
- ne'vaeh becomes Ne’Vaeh
- ta'nasia becomes Ta’Nasia
How to add exclusions
Some names don't follow these rules.
eg. Mcgown, Mackie, Mackiewicz, K'neesha or Jah’mir
The purpose of this tool is to cater to these exclusions. Exclusions added in this area affects ALL Operoo sites.
Step 1. Log into the Support Panel
Go to Name Capitalization Overrides
Step 2. Click +Add to add a new exclusion
Enter the "Target Name" is from the external system. This is case insensitive.
Enter the "Override Name". This how the name will be shown in Operoo and is case sensitive.
Step 3. Click Create Name Override
Check to make sure the new entry appears in the list
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