For Community and Group Editions
Customisable student logs let you make your own injury forms, illness report, behaviour report, bullying form, or any other form where you want to have the information visible in the student record.
Administrators can create custom student log forms and allow staff to then use the forms directly from their PC or mobile device. You'll be able to use our templates or create your own forms to manage a variety of data you need to log about a student.
Student Log Form
a special self-service form with a student selector allowing all carers for the student to view the incidents
Staff who have been given permission can view student logs via the desktop or mobile device.
Here's how you create a custom Student Incident Form for use by staff
1. Click
Add eForm
and choose
Add Staff Form
2. From the Add new eForm screen, you can use one of our prepared Best Practice Templates or create one from scratch by starting from a blank eForm.
3. Edit the new eForm
In this example, we'll start from a blank
Student Log form
Every Student Log form must have a student selector
so we automatically add one for you when starting a blank Student Log form.
4. Add questions to your student log form
A Student Log form must have at least one
Student Selector
to the eForm. This allows the submitted form to be linked to the students' records.
- add at least one student selector question is required when creating a Student Log Form
- add any other questions relevant to the incident form
Use the
Body image
question to add an image of a person's body. This is useful for student log forms that deal with injuries.
The Body Image tool can be found in the 'Additional Tools' section of the eForm builder.
5. Add members to add to this form
From the Members tab, choose who should be able to use this form.
Click Save to finish
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