Once a payment has been made to you through an eForm, you may go to the eForm section of your Operoo administrator account to check who has made a payment.
There are three ways:
Viewing through the members' profiles whom the eForm was sent to
1. Sign in to your Operoo administrator account through here. Click anywhere on the eForm (not the two icons) you want to check on.
2. Simply click on the green dot (with checkmark) to view the responses provided to the eForm (including payment made). You can also hover over the dollar sign ($) to confirm the amount paid.
Viewing through the eForm Menu
Another way to see who has made a payment for a particular eForm is by going to Form Library and click on the eform that you want to view.
It will provide you a brief preview of the responses provided and the amount paid.
The Care Profile owner may also choose to send/submit the eForm without making a payment through the Stripe system.
Viewing through the organisation's Stripe account
You can also view payments made by signing in directly to your Stripe account - the details are provided on your Dashboard. To initiate or schedule transfers to your bank account, simply click on Account Settings on your dropdown menu (as shown in picture).
You can indicate the transfer schedule by selecting your desired option in the Transfers settings tab.
Refunds can be done through the Stripe payments tab. You can also track previous transfers and check on the details of your balances through your Stripe dashboard.
For more information on how to make the most of your Stripe account, visit: http://stripe.com/.
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