When Profile Owners (i.e., parents, adult club members, adult participants, employees, etc.) receive a Profile Request from an Organisation, sometimes, the name in the Profile Request is incorrect. This could be due to a data entry error or might just be the way that the Organisation has imported the information into Operoo.
To fix this, please do the following:
Create a profile with the incorrect name first. In the case below, the incorrect name is Steve Smith and the correct name is Stephen Smith. Next, change the name once the profile is completed and shared with the Organisation. This will also update the name in the Organisation's database so that it shows correctly to the Staff Carers and Administrators.
Please follow these steps.
1. When you click the Create Profile button, you will not be able to change the name of the profile.

A message similar to below will pop up when you click on the box of either the first or the last name.

2. Once you have completed the profile and shared it with the Organisation, you will be taken back to the home screen. Click the profile you want to change.
3. Click the Edit button on the far right of the Personal Details section.
4. Edit the name and click Save and Continue. In this example, we changed Steve to Stephen.

5. You will be taken to the Consent section. As a change has been made to the Care Profile, you will need to re-consent to confirm that the profile has been changed and that the medical information contained within is up-to-date. You can check this article on how you can sign the Signature box.
Following are the instances where you'll have a problem in sharing an existing profile with an Organisation:
- Incorrect spelling - Fred Jones vs. Fred Jomes
- Different name - Fred Jones vs. Frederick Jones
- Name interchanged - Fred Jones vs. Jones Fred
- Case difference - Fred Jones vs. Fred JONES (this error usually happens when there are multiple profile requests in an account)
The example below shows different names.
Profile name: Frederick Jones vs. Profile request: Fred Jones
You'll need to edit the profile name from Frederick Jones to Fred Jones to match the names. Once done, share the profile and then change the name back to Frederick Jones.
To sort this, please do the steps below:
1. Click on the name or photo of the profile.

2. Click Edit across the Personal Details

3. Edit the name to match with the request and click Save and Continue. In this example, we'll change it from Frederick to Fred.

4. You will be taken to the Consent section. As a change has been made to the Care Profile, you will need to re-consent to confirm that the profile has been changed and that the medical information contained within is up-to-date. You can check this article on how you can sign the Signature box.
6. If you want to change the name back to its original form (Frederick Jones), just repeat steps 1-4.
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