For US eSD Districts Only
This article outlines the criteria for student contacts syncing from eSD to Operoo, as well as how Operoo allocates a contact permissions. The article has been split into three sections, with the first two sections being written from a technical standpoint. If you have any questions please contact the Operoo Support Team or your Operoo Implementation Manager.
- Section 1: What prevents contacts from syncing to Operoo
- Section 2: How the Operoo permission is calculated for contacts once synced to Operoo
- Section 3: A flowchart to see visually how the permission is allocated in Operoo
If you are not familiar with the differences between using the custom or standard eSD endpoints, please read the related Knowledge Base article "The differences between Custom and Standard eSD Endpoints" and/or contact your Implementation Manager, or the Operoo Support Team.
Please note: In Operoo, there are two types of permissions that student contacts can be allocated: "View and Update" or "No Permission". When a student contact is assigned View and Update access to Operoo, they have access to the Student Record, and eForms linked to the student themselves.
Outside of the rules in the API that determine if a contact is synced to Operoo, and/or the permission they are allocated in Operoo (outlined below in this article), there is also a setting in Operoo is a contributing factor in allocating permission.
Under ‘Settings>Configurations>Source of permissions for Contacts (parents/guardians) on Student Records’, the District must select one of the two ways the calculation of the student contact permission takes place. The two ways of calculation are:
- Relationship Type
- Outside of the API, permission is allocation based on the relationship type, e.g. Mother and Father might be the only relationship types to be allocated "View and Update" permission.
- Sync
- Outside of the API, permission is allocated based on the priority number of the contact, where contacts with a priority of 0, 1 or 2 will be allocated "View and Update" permission.
Through the article there will be references to both Relationship Type and Sync and the impact either selection has when a student contact is being allocated permission to Operoo. If you have any questions on these two options, please contact your Implementation Manager or the Operoo Support Team.
Section 1: What prevents contacts from syncing to Operoo
Whether the District is using the Custom or Standard eSD Endpoints, there are certain rules in the API that mean the contact will be excluded from the sync and will not be sent to Operoo.
If the integration is using Custom eSD Endpoints, a contact will not be sent to Operoo if:
- does not relate to students which will be sent to operoo (if the contact in eSD is not set as related to the student)
If the integration is using Standard eSD Endpoints, a contact will not be sent to Operoo if:
- =true (the contact against the student is noted as deceased in eSD), or
- = false (the Correspondence option has not been selected for that contact in eSD), or
- does not relate to students which will be sent to operoo ((if the contact in eSD is not set as related to the student)
Section 2: How the Operoo permission is calculated for contacts once synced to Operoo
Restricted Access or an Alert
Regardless if the contact is coming from the Custom or Standard eSD Endpoint, if there is an Alert or Restricted Access against a contact in eSD (isRestrictedAccess = true), that contact will sync to Operoo and be allocated “No Permission”. These contacts will also show an ‘Alert’ icon against their record.
Please note: Overridden permissions in Operoo always take precedence. Meaning if a contact has synced to Operoo with “No Permission” but a District Administrator has altered the permission in Operoo to “View and Update”, that contacts’ permission will remain as “View and Update” until the override is removed.
Additional Rules
Depending on if the District is using the Custom or Standard eSD Endpoint, there are additional rules which dictate the permission a contact will be assigned in Operoo. These rules are used in conjunction with the setting the District had applied in the Operoo section ‘Source of permissions for Contacts (parents/guardians) on Student Records’, which is located under “Settings>Configurations”.
Custom eSD Endpoints:
- => (this gets converted into the presented relationship type). The contact will sync to Operoo with the relationship shown, e.g. Mother, and the source of contact permissions is configured as ‘Relationship type’, permission will be assigned based on the Default Contact Permissions set in Operoo.
- calculation:
- if = “No permissions“ ==> = “No permission“. Meaning, if permission was not selected against a contact when the initial eSD application form was submitted, the contact will sync to Operoo with “No Permission”.
- if = “Guardian“ ==> = “View and update“. Meaning if the contact type is “Guardian”, the contact will sync to Operoo and is allocated “View and Update” access. Please note: this is only applicable if the value of is different from “No permissions”
- otherwise, ==> = “No permission“. Meaning, all other contacts sync to Operoo with “No Permission”.
Standard eSD Endpoints:
- = true (Correspondence has been selected), the contact will be sent to Operoo
- =>, the contact will sync to Operoo with the priority number shown, and where ‘Sync’ is used to determine the Operoo permission allocated, priority contacts noted as 0, 1 or 2 will be assigned “View and Update” permission (all other priority numbers will be allocated according to as follows).
- => (this gets converted into the presented relationship type). The contact will sync to Operoo with the relationship shown, e.g. Mother, and if ‘Relationship type’ is used to determine the Operoo permission allocated. Permission will be assigned based on the Default Contact Permissions set in Operoo under Settings>Configurations>Source of permissions for Contacts (parents/guardians) on Student Records.
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