For Group Edition
Parents and carers who have an Operoo account (are assigned View and Update access) can see all eForm responses by default regardless of who responded to the eForm.
At times there may be an eForm that is asking for personal data, such as parent and/or carer contact details where it's important that only the contact who completed and submitted the eForm can see the response given. For example, a Change of Contact Details eForm, or a Pre-Admission/Data Collection eForm.
By selecting "Restrict other contacts from viewing the responses" in the individual eForm Settings, Administrators can choose for only the person who submitted the eForm to see the response given. For example, if mum submitted a Change of Contact Details eForm and this setting was selected, only mum could see the eForm response and no only contact who has an Operoo account could see that submission.
To select this setting;
1. Navigate to the eForm and open it via the 3 lines.
2. Click on "Settings", then select the setting "Restrict other contacts from viewing the responses", before scrolling to the bottom and clicking "Save".
If you have any questions, please contact your Customer Success Manager or the Support Team.
Please note: If this setting is to be set for multiple eForms, the setting must be enabled per eForm.
It's important that this setting is not enabled for every eForm, as there will be eForms where all student contacts should see the response given, for example response to a Trip Consent eForm.
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