For Community and Group Editions
There are two ways of assigning a Group to an eForm:
- Static Members which allows you to drag and drop members onto your Groups and eForms
- Linked to Groups (Dynamic Members) - All members included in the selected group will be added to the eForm. If you add a new member to the group, they will be automatically added to the eForm.
Drag and Drop
1. Drag the group and drop it to the eForm.

If you haven't tried yet, here are the steps on how to drag and drop a group to an eForm.
a. Hover your mouse over to the Group you're going to drag
b. Press down the left click button of the mouse. Holding the left click button down will allow you to move the Group.
c. Move your mouse towards the desired eForm and release the left click button of the mouse
2. Click Proceed on the confirmation window.

3. You can check if a Group was successfully added to an eForm by clicking anywhere (except for the two icons) on an eForm. The members profiles added to the eForm will then display.
Linked to Groups
1. 'Member Selection' is on it's own 'Members' tab after 'Settings' in the eForm builder.
2. There are now two ways administrators can add static members.
3. Choosing 'Dynamic Members' will allow you to choose your members using either their assigned groups or additional attributes
4. You can then choose your groups or attributes. You can find out more here.
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