For Community Editions
If your school is moving to ICON and you currently have a student information system (SIS) integrated with Operoo, the following steps need to be followed so all integration data related with your old SIS is removed and your Operoo data can be managed manually.
IMPORTANT: Your IT team should be involved in this process.
Contact our support team
if you need assistance.
1. Delete Operoo Agent
Do the following to remove the Operoo Agent
Go to your server running the Operoo Agent
Open up Windows Scheduled Tasks
Find and delete the task for Operoo Agent
Delete the folder C:\CareMonkey
2. Use the tool to remove integrations IDs
From Operoo, go to
and click
Integration Settings
The Remove Integration IDs button deletes all integration IDs in Operoo.
This step is required so all students, staff, contacts, groups, relationships, assignments, etc. can be managed manually.
Click Remove Integration IDs
Click OK to confirm
WARNING: the removal of integration IDs is permanent and irreversible
3. Use our built in tools to change student IDs and staff IDs
Follow our knowledge base articles below to import new IDs for students and staff.
4. Ask staff to login with their old email address and change to new email address.
The final step is for staff members to change their email address.
Staff logs in to Operoo
Click on My Account and choose Change My Email
add/edit their email address
enter their current password
Click Save
a confirmation email containing an activation link will be sent to the new email address
the staff member needs to click on the link to complete the email address change
The Operoo Support Team should turn off sync notifications for the organization.
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