For Community and Group Editions
A user can change an eForm response until:
- the respond by date has passed
- the event date has passed
- the administrator has processed the eForm response
- the eForm has been archived
Changing a response to an eForm or Permission Request is possible by doing the following steps:
1. Log in to your Operoo account and click the name of a profile.

2. Review your previous response by clicking on the "View" link, or the name of the eForm under the eForms section.

3. You'll now see the eForm with your old response. Clicking the Change response button will allow you to edit your responses.

You can also change your response by going back to the eForms section and clicking the square with a pencil icon.

4. Fill out the eForm with your new response.
5. Click the Submit Response button to save your new response.

If you're currently unable to answer all the items, you can save your progress as a draft by clicking the Save for later button. When you're ready to finish it, you can simply go back to the eForm by doing steps 1 and 2.
NOTE: You're only allowed to change a response if the eForm is still accepting any responses. You cannot change a response to an eForm after the due date. For cases like this, please coordinate with the Organisation who sent the eForm and inform them about your new response or they can extend the due date of the form so that you can edit your response.
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