For Group Edition
When the Administrator logs into Operoo, you will be shown a list of Profile pictures with either: Blue, Yellow, Red or White indicator.

'Managed locally' means the Profile Owner (eg. parent) will not be using Operoo and will not receive any requests or messages.
Note: Some organizations and schools allow students to manage their profiles and respond to eforms on their own. (Typically, they are a senior student of legal age.)

eForm Response Status
When parents respond to an eForm the following legend explains the meaning of the symbols shown
Staff Carers - Operoo Central
When staff have been assigned access to an eForm, there are icons shown relating to the responses provided by parents and carers, as well as icons shown for medical conditions relating to any student associated with that eForm.

When staff have been assigned access to a Group, there are icons shown for any medical conditions relating to any student in that Group.

When viewing the students in an eForm, staff will see red text under a student's name if "No one has signed in yet" making it easy to know who needs a gentle reminder.

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